Andrei received today a great review of his writing from Dana Dorian, Romanian composer, music critic and published author, who closely followed his work over the years.
"Some write down memories, others what they imagine. Some put their pain into every word, while others put in just words. Andrei is part of that preciously rare brand of writers who imagine memories. He doesn’t speak to his readers with words, but images. He doesn’t just describe a moment, but lives it passionately by your side, as you follow his story. He takes you by the hand, but doesn’t lead you to a quiet spot in the library; instead, you suddenly find yourself transported inside a live cinema, where the movie projector is powered by his imagination. In truth, Andrei is more of an avant-garde director who makes use of words instead of a camera, capturing shapes and colors, details and feelings, thoughts and shades. Andrei burns intensely, passionately, with suicidal honesty. That’s probably why I love him."
For our Romanian followers, I'll also post the original text.
"Unii scriu amintiri, altii ce-si imagineaza. Unii scriu dureri, altii doar cuvinte. Andrei face parte din categoria aceea rarisima de scriitori care isi imagineaza amintiri. Poate suna rau, daca nu ai apucat sa-i citesti scrierile. El nu scrie cuvinte, ci imagini. El nu descrie o actiune, ci o traieste, o data cu tine, cititorul. Te ia de mana si, in loc sa te instaleze comod pentru lectura, te trezesti aruncat in mijlocul unei sali de cinema, unde imaginatia este aparatul de proiectie. De fapt, Andrei e mai degraba un regizor avangardist care, in loc de camera, surprinde prin cuvinte imagini si culori, detalii si stari, ganduri si nuante. Andrei arde mult, puternic si sinucigas de sincer. Probabil ca de aceea il si iubesc."
There's really nothing more to add. We feel honored by Dana's words and now, more than ever, we're confident in our success. Thank you!
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